Saturday, December 22, 2012


  I've been trying to get some bird photos without much success...I'm attending a demonstration this evening which I hope will help...Any idea what type of bird this is?
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  1. It is a Red Bellied Woodpecker a male. Melanerpes carolinus.
    Birds are tough to photograph..I have been stalking one of there for some time now..patience..your photo is much better than mine! I zoom in on the feeder and then let my auto focus lock on and then if I am lucky the bird lands and I get the photo..and I am still in focus:)

  2. Tight on Far Side! I knew it was a woodpecker but not the species as we don't have them.
    the picture you have is just fine.

  3. I'd say that bird is a punk rocker of some description. Cool little mohawk!

  4. That's a great photo. The Red Bellied Woodpecker is usually pretty skittish!!


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