Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Year Without Shoes...

There is a 17-year-old young man in my town (he used to live across the street from us; we watched him grow up...nice young man) who is going a year without shoes to raise money to send shoes to people in  poverty all over the world...There was an article in the local paper today...he is finally getting some attention probably because we're having a lot of snow and he's barefoot... he could use your help if you can...visit him and listen to his story at ""

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  1. A thoughtful young man raising money for a worthy cause. I knew a guy once in Winnipeg who tried to go shoeless for a year, but it was because he had a foot fetish.

  2. I guess people can get accustomed to walking barefoot in cold conditions.
    Like your picture! Are the tracks from the barefoot guy?

  3. Wow!! It causes you to stop and think of all those in the world who have no shoes or a coat!!

  4. I follow a blogger from Sweden..her sister from the UK never wears shoes.. I would last maybe a minute in the snow:)


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